Friday, March 1, 2019

Spring Heeled Jack

Matthew Brassfield, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Sparkle Comics, wanted to release, under the Sparkle Comics banner, old pre-Sparkle comic books (or reasonable facsimiles thereof) created by members of the Sparkle family. "Spring Heeled Jack," a comic book I did many and many a year ago, was selected as the inaugural issue of the Sparkle Comics Classics line. I'm very proud of that. I'm also very proud of Juliet Fromholt's print formatting. Although the original book was created with no concern for standard comic book size she's managed to get each page to fit perfectly in the margins. She even imbued each panel with a professional sharpness and clarity that didn't exist in the original artwork. I'm also very proud of Jason Gilmore's magnificent and eye-arresting coloring of the cover. I cannot say enough about both Juliet's and Jason's abilities and expertise. Oh, and should you be interested in this book, you can order a copy at

For to Such Belongs the Kingdom of God

 " And He took them in His arms and blessed them, laying His hands upon them."