Monday, July 1, 2019

Spring Heeled Jack 2

Well, the fine folks at Sparkle Comics have just released the second issue of "Spring Heeled Jack." I did both the art and writing for this comic book and it was originally self-published back in 2006. Enough time has passed that I'm almost able to read the book disinterestedly... almost. The artwork is worse than I remember but the storytelling, although heavy-handed and self-conscious, among other faults, isn't as bad as I feared. This is certainly not something that will survive the ages, but it does provide a quick and inoffensive diversion. Jason Gilmore did the stunning color for the cover. I cannot praise him enough. Juliet Fromholt did the print formatting. I remember only printing a few copies of this issue in 2006 since I had a terrible time getting the pages aligned for printing. Her accomplishment amazes me. And Matthew Brassfield, Sparkle Comics' editor-in-chief, is the one responsible for this reissue. He's planning on releasing other pre-Sparkle works by the other Sparkle Comics staff. They're sure to be a delight! You can see all the Sparkle Comics' released titles by going to

For to Such Belongs the Kingdom of God

 " And He took them in His arms and blessed them, laying His hands upon them."