Wednesday, January 2, 2019

And Poe Again

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there was another site where I would post my little doodles. Since that site no longer exists, I thought I might occasionally and randomly post some of those old images to this new site. Since I posted a pretty bad parody of Mr. Poe without his mustache yesterday, I thought, to accompany that piece, I'd disinter this pretty bad drawing of a mustachioed Mr. Poe drawn way back in 2004. Alas, neither image bears much of a resemblance to the poet. As for this image, since I had more energy way back when and since Poe only lived to be forty, I surrounded him with references to forty of his works. However, being lazy even back then, I have some of the images referring to more than one tale or poem or essay. And in case you're wondering: no, Poe's nose is not an intentional reference to his comic tale, "Lionizing." It's just my humble way of showing I can't draw noses.

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For to Such Belongs the Kingdom of God

 " And He took them in His arms and blessed them, laying His hands upon them."