Monday, February 1, 2021

Valentine's Day

In honor of the upcoming Valentine's Day, I disinterred an old newspaper clipping I saved from my youth. Even though it's from a now-defunct advice column and shows certain prejudices inherent and unquestioned in those times, I still feel the question and response fully express that old adage that love indeed conquers all. It also beautifully demonstrates just what that special romance celebrated on Valentine's Day is all about. I found the clipping deeply inspirational, to say the least. See if you agree.

"Guest's Station (Virginia) News Progress," evening edition, February 14, 1941

Dear Miss Lonely Hearts,

I am a genteel young lady who strongly believes people should know their proper place in society and that my elite upper class should never fraternize with commoners. Nevertheless, my heart has been won by someone far beneath my social station and I am torn as to what I should do. I am hopelessly enamored with "Larry," a common werewolf. I realize being married to a werewolf isn't equal to the social disgrace of being married to, say, someone who posts his doodles on an obscure blog, but it still troubles me that I would be marrying far beneath my station. I am naturally worried as to what my friends would say if "Larry" should give me fleas, or if I have to constantly bail him out of the county dog pound, or if he devours our children. Although I love my red-blooded lupine lover with all my blue-blooded heart, I also dearly cherish my place in society. Last night I was going to tearfully tell him we are through, but before I could say a word he suddenly sprinted off into the woods. Minutes later he happily loped back with the carcass of a squirrel in his mouth, the bloody stump of its mauled head craftily chewed into the shape of a valentine heart. What a sweet gift! And then, under the romantic full moon, he tenderly held my hand in his hand (or claw or paw or whatever it is), and gently ululated in my ear. Well, what young girl's heart wouldn't melt at that? This is why I need your advice. Should I hold on to my caste or cast my caste away to be with my uncanny canine man? Oh, dear Miss Lonely Hearts, whatever should I do?

Lycanthrope Loving Lady

Dear Lady,

What you should do is quit writing me.

Miss Lonely Hearts

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For to Such Belongs the Kingdom of God

 " And He took them in His arms and blessed them, laying His hands upon them."